Wednesday, April 18, 2012

SFBI Artisan Bread I

Dear loyal readers (mom!), sorry for the radio silence - I just finished up a week long artisan bread class at the San Francisco Baking Institute and with all of excitement of baking (and eating) over a hundred loaves of bread and being accepted to their professional baking program, I just didn’t have the energy or inclination to sit in front of the ole computer.  But all good things must come to an end, and back in the real world, glued to my double monitors, I can’t stop thinking about everything I learned over the past week and all of the wonderfully interesting people I met.  
Check out my photo diary of the week, while I work on composing the words and recipes to follow.

Meet Mac, he is the Dough Whisperer and our instructor for Artisan Bread I
 See Mac demonstrate Baguette technique
Meet my team of humble bread students
Watch us attempt to replicate Mac's technique with slightly less ease
We sure tried, eh
 A lot
 And finally we made great bread, and realized everything else was crap
The End


  1. Nichole, this is EXCEPTIONALLY cool! Most outstanding compilation. Wish we were all still there together creating beautiful loaves and building friendships. I miss my bread baking group. Making multigrain today...we'll see if it comes even close to what we did last week. (Sure smells good so far!) Happy baking! ~ Wendy P.

    1. Thanks, Wendy! I'm sure your multi will be killer. We were the best Artisan I class SFBI has ever seen, after all :) I haven't had the time to make bread since I've been back home, so I'm having withdrawals, but looking forward to getting my hands doughy this weekend! xo
